One of the proposals for a place to move the Waterville Airport is to a “Kings Airpark” on Saxon Street. This was put forth at a meeting of the Airport Taskforce on 18 May and accepted by 26 members of the AVFA.
The Goals, Plans, Proposal and suggest solutions to problems was put forth in a document: Kings Airpark Proposal Outline (pdf document). There is already a private air strip at the site of the proposal. The release of the proposal was reported in the Advertiser/Register (Airpark Plan Floated…..) . This has been presented to but has not been discussed by the MOK (Municipality of Kings) Council (Airpark …. MOK Warden)
There was a immediate opposition to this proposal from a group of residences living in the area of the proposed airport location.They have organized into a Northeast Kings Citizens Group. This group presented statements in opposition to the development on farmland at the meeting of the Kings County Council on 3rd of June. (Saxon Street Resident … ) The group has a Facebook page called North East Kings Citizens Group
At a meeting of the Airport Taskforce groups on the 7th of June, it was recognized that it is not likely that a new Airport to replace the Waterville Airport will ever be build in Kings County on agricultural land. (Note: an airpark is not an airport but an aerodrome with more restrictive uses.) As we have been stating, the best decision is to keep the Waterville Airport where it is and not close it until there is a replacement airport available that can accommodate all of the businesses and facilities there. Since there is no plans to expand the Michelin tire plant, there is every reason that the airport should stay where it is.