At the AVFA meeting 16 March 2014 the following was moved by Gary Dunfield, seconded and passed by the members.
“I move that the AVFA create a task force to examine, research and seek
solutions, both short term and long term for the continuing presence of an
airport approximately mid-way between Debert and Digby suitable for general
aviation. I further move that the AVFA president be ex-officio of the task
force and that Christoph Both be asked to call the first meeting of
interested parties as soon as reasonably possible. I also move that the all
parties interested in the presence of an airport in this area, including,
but not limited to current airport hangar owners, current airport business
owners, a representative from WACL and FoA be invited to join us on this
task force.” – Gary Dunfield
The Ideas about the task force presented at the meeting were:
DEFINE OR BEING DEFINED? In order for our response to remain sensitive to individual input but remain unified as a single voice it will be crucial that we as a collective respond to the continuing evolution of an airport in Kings County by developing several option, each followed up with a dedicated team of individuals.
TASK FORCE: In their pursuit to exert continuous pressure on their varying targets, task force teams would welcome and bring back to the association outside expertise and additional support where needed.
PRACTICE: It is suggested to adopt a schedule of bi-weekly meetings to update full membership on the progress of the individual teams. Common ground can so be shared, duplication of efforts avoided, new input encouraged and regularly integrated into a common voice, handled by a PR team.
COMPREHENSIVE VIEW: In order to keep up the pressure at several fronts at the same time, it is suggested that we pursue several actions at the same time.