Annapolis Valley Flying Association

General Aviation for the Annapolis Valley – COPA Flight 147

The following is a Letter to Tom McEwan CAO, MOK  – 14 January 2016:

“Regarding proposed 31 March 2016 access to 14 Wing Greenwood for general  aviation

Freedom Aviation Society (FAS) has been working with MOK and 14 Wing Greenwood staff to establish general aviation at CYZX by 31 March 2016.  14 Wing has been very supportive and cooperative in this effort.  Major Deutsch and I believe 14 Wing will be ready to establish general aviation activity by 31 March 2016.  This will include ability to fly in and out of the airport and secure outside parking for aircraft wishing to base there. It is anticipated to also include use of an office trailer for terminal building and washrooms until FAS is able to construct hanger and office buildings.  I also believe we will have 100LL available for purchase on site although I do not have that finalized.

If lease paperwork is delayed I have been assured 14 Wing will allow us to establish under provisional terms until the lease can be finalized with MOK.

There are 18 aircraft recommitted (Jan 2016) to operate at CYZX and another 3 that expressed interest in Dec 2014 (who have not yet contacted me this Jan) which I expect will want to.   Some of these will move 31 March 2016 and some will wait for construction of hangers to move.  These are all private aircraft with the exception of one commercial twin aircraft.   In addition to this there are 2 people who intend to purchase aircraft should we be successful accessing CYZX.  There are over 40 pilots supporting civilian aviation at CYZX including a large majority of CCW3 current users and some members of 14 Wing Greenwood.

Yarmouth airport has non heated hanger space for 6 to 8 small aircraft available for 31 March 2016 occupancy for those wanting a hanger while waiting for one to be constructed at CYZX which I have confirmed today.  The cost quoted was $150 per month per aircraft. First come first served bases.

There is confirmed demand for 6 heated and 6 cold storage hangers.  I believe we would require an additional 6 heated spaces  to accommodate maintenance, flight school, rental and temporary aircraft.

There is a charter company who will base the twin aircraft there that have additional aircraft based at Halifax allowing charters to be booked from CYZX.

A flight school operator is evaluating establishing a flight training and aircraft rental operation.

Governance in place now will continue until construction is complete at which time expanded depth of directors will be considered.


The infrastructure at CYZX is capable of handling everything from small aircraft to large passenger, cargo and of course military aircraft.  For the most part anything that Halifax can. The weather is better for flying there than any airport in NS.  There is a large amount of ground space not utilized.  Air traffic control is capable of handling significant increases in volumn.

The cost to access CYZX  infrastructure is very reasonable when compared to owning an airport.  On going costs to use CYZX are significantly less than operating your own airport.

Air cadets base their power and glider aircraft maintenance at CYZX and could gain savings from operating their training there.  This is a “built in potential” for general aviation expansion.

14 Wing air traffic control has already stated the general aviation activity would be an advantage to them.   There are many more operations at CYZX that could hold potential for expanded activity on the general aviation side.

This would be a great start to building significant aviation economic activity in Kings County.


Not one dollar of this will happen unless MOK votes to support establishment of general aviation at CYZX by signing the main lease with 14 Wing and funding the initial infrastructure.   By doing this MOK, 14 Wing Greenwood and the aviation community will have a great general aviation start at CYZX.  User fees received from the aviation community will pay for ongoing costs.  MOK will be planting a seed with potential to expand.

I know unlocking this potential has risk.  The most significant is what future expansion will be allowed by 14 Wing.  There is evidence at several other airports in Canada and the United States that military and civilian aviation can thrive together.

Freedom Aviation Society, 14 Wing Greenwood, Minister of National Defense, over 40 pilots and 20 aircraft are all committed to establish general aviation operations at CYZX.  As stated by councilor Atwater, “ I can not think of a better partner to have than 14 Wing Greenwood (Canada) can you?”.

Thank you for everyone who played a part in making this possible.  I encourage every MOK councilor to vote yes on 19 Jan.

Paul Easson
Freedom Aviation Society”

Below is an aerial view of the Kings Aerodrome as viewed from the south. The road is Saxon Street east of Route 358.

Kings Aerodrome from the South

Click on the image for a larger view

It is past the deadline date of 22nd August  and there is no news  from the Municipality of Kings with respect to the counter proposal. The following is a link to an article on the proposal.

 Airport Lawsuit could be withdrawn if Kings County Accepts Counter Proposal

 Letter to the Editor – Chronicle Herald –  7 August 2014

Counterpoint: Winging it on waterville airport move

 Interview by Rick Howe of News 95.7 fm of Ian Patrick on the Airport Closure

Audio Archive with Ian’s interview at the beginning

On 26th July the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of the King County Council, Mr. MacEwan, posted a disertata and proposals (22 pages) called ‘Airport Relocation Stategy’ for the council to consider. You can read it at – Click Here for direct link

On the 29th of July In a four hour session, discussion among the Municipality of Kings councillors, several pointed out defects in the proposal, including abandonment of established processes and attempts to stiffle democratic rights. The proposal was presented only two days before the session and the public has not been included in the discussions.  All the arguments fell on deaf ears with respect to six of the councillors who had already made up their minds. The porposal was passed in a six for and five against vote. 

Only after the vote was the public at the meeting allowed offer their input to the proposal. The majority of which was condemnation of the process and the action taken that night and in previous council meetings about the airport. 

Basically, the ‘Strategy’ says

  • The Council reaffirms that Waterville Airport is closing
  • Disengages the MOK for any new airport facility
  • MOK only supports negotiate to relocate the airport to 14 Wing Greenwood
  • Delay closing of Waterville Airport to 2015 only if aviators take over the relocation. to Greenwood
  • The Airport Relocation Committeee is dissolved.

The CAO in his presentation before the discussion and vote, admitted that there is a flaw in the ‘Strategy’ in that the negotiation with CFB Greenwood may not be able to be concluded.  In that case, he allowed that ‘he’ would reconsider the possiblity of a different solution to the relocation of the airport.

It should be noted that on the original vote to close the Waterville airport, 10 of the 11 councillors voted for closure. In this vote only six of the 11 voted for the motion that reaffirmed closure. 

Save Your Airport BillboardSoon you will see these signs around Kings County to urge residents to contact their councilors to urge then to preserve avaiation in the region by not closing the Waterville airport. We have ordered 50 signs that will be available soon.

Below is a copy of the informational pamphlet that will be used to inform the public of the closure of the airport. Click on the image to download a pdf version that can be printed.

Stop Closure of Airport pamphlet

 This was presented at the last meeting but there was no time to discuss it. Comments for changes or corrects are welcomed.  If you find it useful and wish to post it, print it out. If there is enough interest, we can have a bunch printed commercially and distributed.   Click on the image to get the pdf full size image. (Larry)

On the Main AVFA page you  will see a small count down in the upper right corner. This timer tells you how many days until October 1, 2015 when the Waterville Airport is scheduled to closed by the council of Municipality of Kings (MOK).  

Rush to Get Rid of an Airport

Despite the pleas of the aviation community here and across the country to keep the airport open, the council has refused twice to even consider the simple idea to delay the closure. (twice, in council, a motion was refused to be even considered when put forth by one of the councilors) What is their rush?  Michelin has no plans currently to expand their Waterville plant.  It was only after CFB Greenwood reported that it IF the Waterville airport were to be granted permission to relocate there, it could not happen by 2014 and maybe not by 2015, that council considered delaying the closing. 

Municipal Council’s attack on the Airport

One would think that the municipal council would be working to support and maintain a part of the municipal infrastructure of its county.  Instead, they are working to destroy a multi-million dollar asset and leave the community with no civil aviation facility. There are no substitute airport facilities available nor are there plans to replace what will disappear after October 1, 2015.

The value of the airport to the community and to aviation in this region has been documented in many places.  The council had, a study panel to consider whether a new airport would be commercially viable, but have eliminated that and washed its hands of providing a replacement for the Waterville Airport. There are no funds available locally, from the province or from the federal government to build a replacement airport. The council thinks that CFB Greenwood will provide the space for a replacement but there is no assurance of that.

What is the viability of betting on the expansion of the Michelin plant?

There is only a chance that Michelin will consider expanding its Waterville plant  in competition with other newer, larger and more modern plants in North America. It also depends on the market for Michelin tires and that is not at all certain. Although the council and province had demanded that a new airport be put under economic scrutiny they never looked closely at their own rush to sell the airport property with disregard for the lost of a valuable existing airport.

If the MOK council has firm plans and solid time table for a Michelin expansion, it has kept the secret very well. The question is: why not let the public know. If there are no realistic expansion plans then they should admit it to us and to themselves. They are our representatives, not our rulers.

(modified 6 Nov 2014)

Larry Bogan, Website Manager

One of the proposals for a place to move the Waterville Airport is to a “Kings Airpark” on Saxon Street. This was put forth at a meeting of the Airport Taskforce on 18 May and accepted by 26 members of the AVFA.

The Goals, Plans, Proposal and suggest solutions to problems was put forth in a document: Kings Airpark Proposal Outline (pdf document). There is already a private air strip at the site of the proposal. The release of the proposal was reported in the Advertiser/Register (Airpark Plan Floated…..) . This has been presented to but has not been discussed by the MOK (Municipality of Kings) Council (Airpark …. MOK Warden)

There was a immediate opposition to this proposal from a group of residences living in the area of the proposed airport location.They have organized into a Northeast Kings Citizens Group. This group presented statements in opposition to the development on farmland at the meeting of the Kings County Council on 3rd of June. (Saxon Street Resident … )  The group has a Facebook page called North East Kings Citizens Group

At a meeting of the Airport Taskforce groups on the 7th of June, it was recognized that it is not likely that a new Airport to replace the Waterville Airport will ever be build in Kings County on agricultural land.  (Note: an airpark is not an airport but an aerodrome with more restrictive uses.) As we have been stating, the best decision is to keep the Waterville Airport where it is and not close it until there is a replacement airport available that can accommodate all of the businesses and facilities there.  Since there is no plans to expand the Michelin tire plant, there is every reason that the airport should stay where it is.